Watch How A Tesla Model 3 Gets Made: Time-Lapse Video
Posted: 2nd of January 2019 by Platinum Auto

Okay, not in reality.
In just 48 seconds, a Tesla Model 3 goes from start to finish down the production line thanks to time-lapse footage, which you can watch here.
It provides a rare look at the inner workings at the Tesla Fremont factory and, perhaps more importantly, a first public view of how the Tesla Model 3 comes to life.
Tesla Model 3 production had its ups and down, but now it seems rather stable at 5,000 to 7,000 per week. Initially, production hell was a huge issue and several bottlenecks kept production numbers low.
That all changed in July when Model 3 sales skyrocketed and have held high ever since.
The end of the year push that’s now on for the Model 3 will surely have an impact on sales, which we’ll report on January 3rd and 4th.
Tagged: tesla | model 3 | video | tesla model 3